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Mackrell Environmental Practice Group – 8/22/12 Webinar

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2012 | Recent News |

On August 22, 2012, the Mackrell Environmental Practice Group presented its inaugural webinar. The webinar on current environmental issues across the United States was the result of the joint efforts of Mackrell International members BDG Law Group, Mehaffy Weber, Kraemer Burns, and Keller and Heckman. The webinar was well-attended. We are pleased to send you copies of the materials prepared by the speakers, with their permission, on the specific topics presented during the webinar. Please contact Greg Bergman with any questions you may have about this webinar.

Pdf thumbnail

Mackrell Hydraulic Fracturing

Mackrell Hydraulic Fracturing Webinar One-Pager

Mackrell Vapor Intrusion Green Gas

Tags: environmental


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